Grand Central Phase 2 Tower 3 12/F FLAT G
$6.28M -15%

Saleable: 380(sq. ft) @$16526

  • Land Registry


Cheung Wo Court Wo Kwan House (Block A) 20/F FLAT 7

Saleable: 414(sq. ft) @$7246

Gross: 498(sq. ft) @$6024

  • Land Registry


Yue Man Centre Block 3 12/F FLAT A

Saleable: 576(sq. ft) @$8681

Gross: 670(sq. ft) @$7463

  • Land Registry


Shun Chi Court Shun Mei House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 10

Saleable: 560(sq. ft) @$8018

Gross: 663(sq. ft) @$6772

  • Land Registry


Hip Wo House Hip Wo House 9/F FLAT J
$2.70M +218%

Saleable: 305(sq. ft) @$8852

Gross: 440(sq. ft) @$6136

  • Land Registry


Grand Central Phase 1 Tower 2 Lower Floor FLAT F

Saleable: 594(sq. ft) @$15909

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Bal Residence Bal Residence 8/F FLAT C

Saleable: 341(sq. ft) @$14046

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Po Pui Court Po Wu House (Block B) 3/F FLAT 9

Saleable: 645(sq. ft) @$7256

  • Land Registry


Cheung Wo Court Wo Shing House (Block C) 3/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 431(sq. ft) @$8886

Gross: 518(sq. ft) @$7394

  • Land Registry


Po Pui Court Po Chui House (Block D) 25/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$8429

  • Land Registry


Po Pui Court Po Wu House (Block B) 6/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7481

Gross: 515(sq. ft) @$5825

  • Land Registry


Tai Hing Building Tai Hing Building 6/F NO. 7
$4.00M -2%

Saleable: 620(sq. ft) @$6452

  • Land Registry


Joyful Villas Block 1 Lower Floor FLAT 1

Saleable: 584(sq. ft) @$8048

Gross: 681(sq. ft) @$6902

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Grand Central Phase 1 Tower 1 Lower Floor FLAT L

Saleable: 593(sq. ft) @$15953

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kung Lok Building Kung Lok Building 8/F FLAT C
$5.60M +100%

Saleable: 678(sq. ft) @$8260

Gross: 780(sq. ft) @$7179

  • Land Registry


Grand Central Phase 1 Tower 2 40/F FLAT G
$9.60M -23%

Saleable: 594(sq. ft) @$16162

  • Land Registry


Yue Man Centre Block 1 14/F FLAT A
$6.10M +193%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$11275

Gross: 642(sq. ft) @$9502

  • Land Registry


Bal Residence Bal Residence 11/F FLAT D

Saleable: 341(sq. ft) @$14177

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Po Pui Court Po Wu House (Block B) 10/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$7357

Gross: 515(sq. ft) @$5728

  • Land Registry


Po Pui Court Po Shan House (Block A) 16/F FLAT 1

Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$7401

Gross: 710(sq. ft) @$5775

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Kwun Tong Transaction Records

Kwun Tong 1544 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
25/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Grand Central Phase 2
Tower 3 12/F FLAT G
6.28M 380sq. ft. / -- $16526 / -- 02/01/2019 7.38M / -15%
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Cheung Wo Court
Wo Kwan House (Block A) 20/F FLAT 7
3M 414sq. ft. / 498sq. ft. $7246 / $6024 -- -- / --
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Yue Man Centre
Block 3 12/F FLAT A
5M 576sq. ft. / 670sq. ft. $8681 / $7463 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Shun Chi Court
Shun Mei House (Block D) 9/F FLAT 10
4.49M 560sq. ft. / 663sq. ft. $8018 / $6772 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Hip Wo House
Hip Wo House 9/F FLAT J
2.7M 305sq. ft. / 440sq. ft. $8852 / $6136 14/07/1999 850K / +218%
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Grand Central Phase 1
Tower 2 Lower Floor FLAT F
9.45M 594sq. ft. / -- $15909 / -- -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
19/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Bal Residence
Bal Residence 8/F FLAT C
4.79M 341sq. ft. / -- $14046 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
19/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Po Pui Court
Po Wu House (Block B) 3/F FLAT 9
4.68M 645sq. ft. / -- $7256 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Cheung Wo Court
Wo Shing House (Block C) 3/F FLAT 6
3.83M 431sq. ft. / 518sq. ft. $8886 / $7394 -- -- / --
Land Registry
18/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Po Pui Court
Po Chui House (Block D) 25/F FLAT 5
3.38M 401sq. ft. / -- $8429 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Po Pui Court
Po Wu House (Block B) 6/F FLAT 8
3M 401sq. ft. / 515sq. ft. $7481 / $5825 -- -- / --
Land Registry
17/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Tai Hing Building
Tai Hing Building 6/F NO. 7
4M 620sq. ft. / -- $6452 / -- 30/08/2016 4.08M / -2%
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Joyful Villas
Block 1 Lower Floor FLAT 1
4.7M 584sq. ft. / 681sq. ft. $8048 / $6902 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
16/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Grand Central Phase 1
Tower 1 Lower Floor FLAT L
9.46M 593sq. ft. / -- $15953 / -- -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
16/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Kung Lok Building
Kung Lok Building 8/F FLAT C
5.6M 678sq. ft. / 780sq. ft. $8260 / $7179 30/06/2009 2.8M / +100%
Land Registry
16/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Grand Central Phase 1
Tower 2 40/F FLAT G
9.6M 594sq. ft. / -- $16162 / -- 27/12/2018 12.41M / -23%
Land Registry
15/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Yue Man Centre
Block 1 14/F FLAT A
6.1M 541sq. ft. / 642sq. ft. $11275 / $9502 18/11/1998 2.08M / +193%
Land Registry
12/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Bal Residence
Bal Residence 11/F FLAT D
4.83M 341sq. ft. / -- $14177 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
12/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Po Pui Court
Po Wu House (Block B) 10/F FLAT 8
2.95M 401sq. ft. / 515sq. ft. $7357 / $5728 -- -- / --
Land Registry
12/07/2024 Kwun Tong
Po Pui Court
Po Shan House (Block A) 16/F FLAT 1
4.1M 554sq. ft. / 710sq. ft. $7401 / $5775 -- -- / --
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.