Property Price Trend Index

This Week * 138.47
Prervious Week + 0.09%
Previous Month - 0.12%
  • HK 139.41 + 0.18% - 2.11%
  • KLN 135.78 + 0.68% + 1.54%
  • NTE 150.09 - 1.73% + 0.11%
  • NTW 126.96 + 1.04% - 0.2%

*The Centa-City Leading Index CCL is released every Friday - The latest2025/02/14 (reflecting the property prices expected to sign in a formal agreement for sale and purchase from 2025/02/03 - 2025/02/09)

Note: The above data is compiled based on a series of component housing estate prices

Property Price Index
Property Price Trend
Top-Ranked Estate Transactions (Jan)
Total Volume
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
Taikoo Shing $14243 +0.2% 31 $27889M
South Horizons $13894 +13.12% 8 $8011M
Kornhill $12101 -4.66% 8 $5707M
Heng Fa Chuen $11746 -8.7% 7 $5533M
Residence Bel-Air $20927 -5.03% 6 $14893M
The Belcher's $20596 -6.36% 5 $6418M
Island Resort $14868 -1.5% 5 $4576M
Full Wealth Gardens $11190 -3.53% 5 $2478M
Aberdeen Centre $10403 +3.11% 5 $2427M
Centre Stage $18817 +4.63% 4 $3790M
Latest Trans
  • Ching Wah Court Wah Woon House (Block A) Upper Floor FLAT 11
    Centaline Website
  • $2.58M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 415(sq. ft) @$6217
  • Gross: 560(sq. ft) @$4607 17/02/2025
  • Hip Wo Mansion Hip Wo Mansion Lower Floor FLAT C
    Centaline Website
  • $4.28M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 337(sq. ft) @$12700
  • Gross: 510(sq. ft) @$8392 17/02/2025
  • Merlin Centre Block A Upper Floor FLAT A7
    Centaline Website
  • $3.65M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 299(sq. ft) @$12207
  • Gross: 384(sq. ft) @$9505 17/02/2025
  • Evergreen Villa Block B Upper Floor FLAT 2
    Centaline Website
  • $49.50M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 2363(sq. ft) @$20948
  • Gross: 2700(sq. ft) @$18333 17/02/2025
  • Victory Court Victory Court Middle Floor FLAT F
    Centaline Website
  • $2.63M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 280(sq. ft) @$9393 17/02/2025
  • King Nga Court King Yuet House (Block B) Lower Floor FLAT 6
    Centaline Website
  • $5.38M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 554(sq. ft) @$9711
  • Gross: 710(sq. ft) @$7577 17/02/2025
  • Queen's Terrace Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT J
    Centaline Website
  • $7.00M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 393(sq. ft) @$17812
  • Gross: 570(sq. ft) @$12281 17/02/2025
  • King's Park Villa Block 7 Middle Floor FLAT B
    Centaline Website
  • $16.50M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 1266(sq. ft) @$13033
  • Gross: 1496(sq. ft) @$11029 17/02/2025
  • Long Ping Estate Yuk Ping House Lower Floor FLAT 8
    Centaline Website
  • $1.38M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 381(sq. ft) @$3622 17/02/2025
  • Valiant Park Valiant Park Lower Floor FLAT G
    Centaline Website
  • $10.35M * Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
  • Saleable: 682(sq. ft) @$15176
  • Gross: 847(sq. ft) @$12220 17/02/2025

The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Property Price Index

Property Price Trend

Top-Ranked Estate Transactions (Jan)

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Taikoo Shing
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14243 +0.2% 31 Records $27889M
Mei Foo Sun Chuen
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9477 +0.74% 32 Records $18314M
Lohas Park
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11965 -3.55% 27 Records $35584M
Discovery Bay
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$8702 +3.2% 27 Records $21655M
South Horizons
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13894 +13.12% 8 Records $8011M
Whampoa Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12398 +7.25% 19 Records $13371M
Festival City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14764 +3.04% 15 Records $14746M
Kingswood Villas
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$7956 -1.09% 25 Records $10627M
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12101 -4.66% 8 Records $5707M
Hop Chung House
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11376 -1.45% 16 Records $10711M
Ocean Shores
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13561 +0.47% 15 Records $10505M
Belvedere Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$8702 -0.8% 14 Records $8358M
Heng Fa Chuen
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11746 -8.7% 7 Records $5533M
Amoy Gardens
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11677 -0.32% 14 Records $6066M
The Metro City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13599 +5.36% 13 Records $7284M
Yoho Town
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12722 -3.88% 10 Records $6261M
Residence Bel-Air
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$20927 -5.03% 6 Records $14893M
Laguna City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10559 +2.69% 13 Records $6709M
Double Cove
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13316 -1.49% 10 Records $13415M
Tierra Verde
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14848 +5.36% 9 Records $8425M
The Belcher's
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$20596 -6.36% 5 Records $6418M
Laguna Verde
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$16299 +3.47% 12 Records $14767M
Park Central
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13715 +4.84% 10 Records $5705M
Caribbean Coast
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9673 -1.13% 9 Records $5789M
Island Resort
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14868 -1.5% 5 Records $4576M
Cullinan West
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$19703 -10.5% 12 Records $8943M
Serenity Park
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11258 +3.97% 10 Records $5027M
Century Gateway
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13902 -1.1% 8 Records $6583M
Full Wealth Gardens
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11190 -3.53% 5 Records $2478M
Richland Gardens
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$8894 -1.34% 12 Records $4083M
The Wings
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$16799 +3.49% 8 Records $12884M
Tsuen Wan Centre
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$9117 +3.17% 8 Records $2909M
Aberdeen Centre
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$10403 +3.11% 5 Records $2427M
The Arch
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$31399 -8.11% 11 Records $10935M
Metro Town
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$13128 +1.43% 8 Records $6911M
Allway Garden
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$7788 +17.45% 8 Records $2852M
Centre Stage
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$18817 +4.63% 4 Records $3790M
Harbour Place
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$14392 +3.67% 10 Records $8103M
Sunshine City
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$12618 -1.67% 8 Records $4381M
The Visionary
Price/sq. ft. (SA) Transaction Volumes Total Turnover
$11701 +2.3% 7 Records $6908M

Latest Trans

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* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
17/02/2025 Tsing Yi Wah Woon House (Block A) Upper Floor FLAT 11 $2.58M 415sq. ft. / 560sq. ft. $6217 / $4607 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Shau Kei Wan Hip Wo Mansion Lower Floor FLAT C $4.28M 337sq. ft. / 510sq. ft. $12700 / $8392 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Cheung Sha Wan Block A Upper Floor FLAT A7 $3.65M 299sq. ft. / 384sq. ft. $12207 / $9505 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Mid-Levels East Block B Upper Floor FLAT 2 $49.50M 2363sq. ft. / 2700sq. ft. $20948 / $18333 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Kwai Chung Victory Court Middle Floor FLAT F $2.63M 280sq. ft. / -- $9393 / -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Tai Po Market / Tai Wo King Yuet House (Block B) Lower Floor FLAT 6 $5.38M 554sq. ft. / 710sq. ft. $9711 / $7577 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Sheung Wan Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT J $7.00M 393sq. ft. / 570sq. ft. $17812 / $12281 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 King's Park Block 7 Middle Floor FLAT B $16.50M 1266sq. ft. / 1496sq. ft. $13033 / $11029 -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Long Ping Yuk Ping House Lower Floor FLAT 8 $1.38M 381sq. ft. / -- $3622 / -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
17/02/2025 Mid-Levels West Valiant Park Lower Floor FLAT G $10.35M 682sq. ft. / 847sq. ft. $15176 / $12220 -- / --
Centaline Website*


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The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.