Kingswood Villas Phase 3 Chestwood Court Block 5 Middle Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 633(sq. ft) @$8152

Gross: 807(sq. ft) @$6394

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Tin Shing Court Shing Chiu House (Block B) Upper Floor FLAT 3

Saleable: 594(sq. ft) @$7879

Gross: 797(sq. ft) @$5872

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT F

Saleable: 442(sq. ft) @$8371

Gross: 576(sq. ft) @$6424

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kingswood Villas Phase 3 Chestwood Court Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 543(sq. ft) @$8195

Gross: 705(sq. ft) @$6312

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Vianni Cove Tower 1 50/F FLAT G
$5.60M +104%

Saleable: 668(sq. ft) @$8383

Gross: 886(sq. ft) @$6321

  • Land Registry


Vianni Cove Tower 1 16/F FLAT G
$5.38M +68%

Saleable: 666(sq. ft) @$8078

Gross: 886(sq. ft) @$6072

  • Land Registry


Tin Chung Court Chung Po House (Block K) 20/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 650(sq. ft) @$6828

Gross: 854(sq. ft) @$5197

  • Land Registry


Tin Shing Court Shing Lai House (Block R) 21/F FLAT 8

Saleable: 506(sq. ft) @$6957

Gross: 664(sq. ft) @$5301

  • Land Registry


Wetland Seasons Bay Phase 1 Tower 2B 5/F FLAT B2

Saleable: 493(sq. ft) @$14909

  • Land Registry


Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court Block 3 Middle Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 635(sq. ft) @$8315

Gross: 820(sq. ft) @$6439

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court Block 8 8/F FLAT D
$4.60M +109%

Saleable: 547(sq. ft) @$8410

Gross: 704(sq. ft) @$6534

  • Land Registry


Central Park Towers Phase 1 Tower 3 17/F FLAT F
$4.78M +23%

Saleable: 493(sq. ft) @$9696

Gross: 658(sq. ft) @$7264

  • Land Registry


Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court Block 1 28/F FLAT E
$4.50M +3%

Saleable: 446(sq. ft) @$10090

Gross: 581(sq. ft) @$7745

  • Land Registry


Wetland Seasons Bay Phase 3 Tower 6B 10/F FLAT B5

Saleable: 553(sq. ft) @$16298

  • Land Registry
  • Firsthand Deal


Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court Block 11 16/F FLAT C
$4.48M -17%

Saleable: 546(sq. ft) @$8205

Gross: 709(sq. ft) @$6319

  • Land Registry


Kingswood Villas Phase 2 Sherwood Court Block 2 30/F FLAT E
$3.68M +212%

Saleable: 448(sq. ft) @$8214

Gross: 586(sq. ft) @$6280

  • Land Registry


Ping Yan Court Block A (Ping Oi House) 8/F FLAT 12

Saleable: 447(sq. ft) @$9799

  • Land Registry


Kingswood Villas Phase 1 Locwood Court Block 13 Lower Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 551(sq. ft) @$7042

Gross: 708(sq. ft) @$5480

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court Block 5 6/F FLAT C
$4.30M +170%

Saleable: 546(sq. ft) @$7875

Gross: 709(sq. ft) @$6065

  • Land Registry


Kingswood Villas Phase 1 Locwood Court Block 9 13/F FLAT E
$3.94M +32%

Saleable: 448(sq. ft) @$8790

Gross: 586(sq. ft) @$6720

  • Land Registry


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Tin Shui Wai Transaction Records

Tin Shui Wai 5977 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
26/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 3 Chestwood Court
Block 5 Middle Floor FLAT B
5.16M 633sq. ft. / 807sq. ft. $8152 / $6394 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
26/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Tin Shing Court
Shing Chiu House (Block B) Upper Floor FLAT 3
4.68M 594sq. ft. / 797sq. ft. $7879 / $5872 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
25/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court
Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT F
3.7M 442sq. ft. / 576sq. ft. $8371 / $6424 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
25/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 3 Chestwood Court
Block 4 Middle Floor FLAT D
4.45M 543sq. ft. / 705sq. ft. $8195 / $6312 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
25/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Vianni Cove
Tower 1 50/F FLAT G
5.6M 668sq. ft. / 886sq. ft. $8383 / $6321 14/10/2010 2.75M / +104%
Land Registry
25/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Vianni Cove
Tower 1 16/F FLAT G
5.38M 666sq. ft. / 886sq. ft. $8078 / $6072 03/04/2012 3.2M / +68%
Land Registry
25/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Tin Chung Court
Chung Po House (Block K) 20/F FLAT 5
4.44M 650sq. ft. / 854sq. ft. $6828 / $5197 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Tin Shing Court
Shing Lai House (Block R) 21/F FLAT 8
3.52M 506sq. ft. / 664sq. ft. $6957 / $5301 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Wetland Seasons Bay Phase 1
Tower 2B 5/F FLAT B2
7.35M 493sq. ft. / -- $14909 / -- 27/08/2021 7.38M / +0%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court
Block 3 Middle Floor FLAT A
5.28M 635sq. ft. / 820sq. ft. $8315 / $6439 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
23/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court
Block 8 8/F FLAT D
4.6M 547sq. ft. / 704sq. ft. $8410 / $6534 12/03/2012 2.2M / +109%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Central Park Towers Phase 1
Tower 3 17/F FLAT F
4.78M 493sq. ft. / 658sq. ft. $9696 / $7264 08/12/2015 3.9M / +23%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court
Block 1 28/F FLAT E
4.5M 446sq. ft. / 581sq. ft. $10090 / $7745 06/12/2018 4.38M / +3%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Wetland Seasons Bay Phase 3
Tower 6B 10/F FLAT B5
9.01M 553sq. ft. / -- $16298 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
Firsthand Deal
22/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 7 Kenswood Court
Block 11 16/F FLAT C
4.48M 546sq. ft. / 709sq. ft. $8205 / $6319 09/03/2018 5.37M / -17%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 2 Sherwood Court
Block 2 30/F FLAT E
3.68M 448sq. ft. / 586sq. ft. $8214 / $6280 31/07/2009 1.18M / +212%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Ping Yan Court
Block A (Ping Oi House) 8/F FLAT 12
4.38M 447sq. ft. / -- $9799 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 1 Locwood Court
Block 13 Lower Floor FLAT C
3.88M 551sq. ft. / 708sq. ft. $7042 / $5480 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
19/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 5 Lynwood Court
Block 5 6/F FLAT C
4.3M 546sq. ft. / 709sq. ft. $7875 / $6065 05/02/2010 1.59M / +170%
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Tin Shui Wai
Kingswood Villas Phase 1 Locwood Court
Block 9 13/F FLAT E
3.94M 448sq. ft. / 586sq. ft. $8790 / $6720 11/07/2014 2.98M / +32%
Land Registry
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.