Ma On Shan Centre Tower 1 Lower Floor FLAT E

Saleable: 609(sq. ft) @$10230

Gross: 816(sq. ft) @$7635

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Heng On Estate Heng Sing House (Block 10) Upper Floor FLAT 24

Saleable: 381(sq. ft) @$4961

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Ma On Shan Centre Tower 2 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 364(sq. ft) @$13228

Gross: 492(sq. ft) @$9787

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The Waterside Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 696(sq. ft) @$10776

Gross: 945(sq. ft) @$7937

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Chevalier Garden Block 10 17/F FLAT E

Gross: 485(sq. ft) @$7113

  • Land Registry


Yiu On Estate Yiu Ping House (Block 2) 2/F FLAT 6

Saleable: 544(sq. ft) @$5147

  • Land Registry


Ma On Shan Centre Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 375(sq. ft) @$14533

Gross: 506(sq. ft) @$10771

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Saddle Ridge Garden Block 9 13/F FLAT H

Saleable: 592(sq. ft) @$5912

Gross: 691(sq. ft) @$5065

  • Land Registry


Double Cove Phase 1 Block 5 22/F FLAT C
$7.97M +15%

Saleable: 548(sq. ft) @$14540

Gross: 710(sq. ft) @$11223

  • Land Registry


Oceanaire Tower 2A 21/F FLAT C
$8.10M +31%

Saleable: 670(sq. ft) @$12090

Gross: 881(sq. ft) @$9194

  • Land Registry


Sunshine City Phase 4 Block L 12/F FLAT 3
$4.92M +148%

Saleable: 363(sq. ft) @$13548

Gross: 491(sq. ft) @$10016

  • Land Registry


Lake Silver Tower 5 55/F FLAT F
$9.30M -19%

Saleable: 695(sq. ft) @$13381

Gross: 913(sq. ft) @$10186

  • Land Registry


Chevalier Garden Block 8 1/F FLAT J

Saleable: 484(sq. ft) @$7645

Gross: 546(sq. ft) @$6777

  • Land Registry


Double Cove Phase 5 Double Cove Summit Tower 12 17/F FLAT B
$23.60M +6%

Saleable: 1554(sq. ft) @$15187

  • Land Registry


Oceanaire Tower 7A 23/F FLAT B
$8.48M +37%

Saleable: 756(sq. ft) @$11217

Gross: 995(sq. ft) @$8523

  • Land Registry


Lake Silver Tower 8 11/F FLAT F
$7.10M +18%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$13124

Gross: 711(sq. ft) @$9986

  • Land Registry


Kam On Court Ngan On House (Block B) 8/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$9177

Gross: 512(sq. ft) @$7188

  • Land Registry


Kam Fung Court Kam Yung House (Block A) 24/F FLAT 5

Saleable: 536(sq. ft) @$8190

Gross: 738(sq. ft) @$5949

  • Land Registry


Kam On Court Ngan On House (Block B) Upper Floor FLAT 5

Saleable: 401(sq. ft) @$8853

Gross: 512(sq. ft) @$6934

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Mountain Shore Block 3 Middle Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 482(sq. ft) @$12261

Gross: 630(sq. ft) @$9381

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Hong Kong Property Market Transaction Records

4196 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
26/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Ma On Shan Centre
Tower 1 Lower Floor FLAT E
6.23M 609sq. ft. / 816sq. ft. $10230 / $7635 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
26/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Heng On Estate
Heng Sing House (Block 10) Upper Floor FLAT 24
1.89M 381sq. ft. / -- $4961 / -- -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
26/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Ma On Shan Centre
Tower 2 Middle Floor FLAT C
4.82M 364sq. ft. / 492sq. ft. $13228 / $9787 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
25/07/2024 Ma On Shan
The Waterside
Tower 1 Middle Floor FLAT C
7.5M 696sq. ft. / 945sq. ft. $10776 / $7937 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
25/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Chevalier Garden
Block 10 17/F FLAT E
3.45M -- / 485sq. ft. -- / $7113 -- -- / --
Land Registry
25/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Yiu On Estate
Yiu Ping House (Block 2) 2/F FLAT 6
2.8M 544sq. ft. / -- $5147 / -- -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Ma On Shan Centre
Tower 3 Upper Floor FLAT B
5.45M 375sq. ft. / 506sq. ft. $14533 / $10771 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
24/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Saddle Ridge Garden
Block 9 13/F FLAT H
3.5M 592sq. ft. / 691sq. ft. $5912 / $5065 -- -- / --
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Double Cove Phase 1
Block 5 22/F FLAT C
7.97M 548sq. ft. / 710sq. ft. $14540 / $11223 29/10/2012 6.94M / +15%
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Tower 2A 21/F FLAT C
8.1M 670sq. ft. / 881sq. ft. $12090 / $9194 04/07/2013 6.2M / +31%
Land Registry
24/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Sunshine City Phase 4
Block L 12/F FLAT 3
4.92M 363sq. ft. / 491sq. ft. $13548 / $10016 28/08/2009 1.98M / +148%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Lake Silver
Tower 5 55/F FLAT F
9.3M 695sq. ft. / 913sq. ft. $13381 / $10186 28/05/2019 11.55M / -19%
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Chevalier Garden
Block 8 1/F FLAT J
3.7M 484sq. ft. / 546sq. ft. $7645 / $6777 -- -- / --
Land Registry
23/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Double Cove Phase 5 Double Cove Summit
Tower 12 17/F FLAT B
23.6M 1554sq. ft. / -- $15187 / -- 21/07/2016 22.24M / +6%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Tower 7A 23/F FLAT B
8.48M 756sq. ft. / 995sq. ft. $11217 / $8523 27/03/2012 6.18M / +37%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Lake Silver
Tower 8 11/F FLAT F
7.1M 541sq. ft. / 711sq. ft. $13124 / $9986 12/12/2014 6M / +18%
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam On Court
Ngan On House (Block B) 8/F FLAT 5
3.68M 401sq. ft. / 512sq. ft. $9177 / $7188 -- -- / --
Land Registry
22/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam Fung Court
Kam Yung House (Block A) 24/F FLAT 5
4.39M 536sq. ft. / 738sq. ft. $8190 / $5949 -- -- / --
Land Registry
19/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Kam On Court
Ngan On House (Block B) Upper Floor FLAT 5
3.55M 401sq. ft. / 512sq. ft. $8853 / $6934 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
19/07/2024 Ma On Shan
Mountain Shore
Block 3 Middle Floor FLAT A
5.91M 482sq. ft. / 630sq. ft. $12261 / $9381 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.