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The Henley-Phase 1



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The Henley
The Henley

Kai Tak New Area

7 Muk Tai Street

Phase 1

THE HENLEY I|啟德新臨海地標


THE HENLEY I位於九龍啟德沐泰街7號,樓盤發展商為恒基兆業。

THE HENLEY分三期發展,整個屋苑合共提供1,184伙住宅單位,當中THE HENLEY I為第一期樓盤,提供479伙住宅單位。

根據發展商提供的平面圖及早前放盤示範單位參考,THE HENLEY I共建有1幢高座住宅大廈(第2座)及4幢低座住宅大廈(A、B、C、D座),高座大廈樓高35層,低座大廈樓高6層。單位間隔涵蓋開放式至3房,實用面積介乎186至1,350平方呎。

THE HENLEY I首張價單於2021年4月發佈,當時首推96伙,折實價錢由約749萬元起,呎價24,382元起,當時可謂貴絕整個啟德區。


THE HENLEY I自設住客會所「CLUB HENLEY」,面積逾3萬2千平方呎,分為六大主題區域,會所設施包括35米長室外游泳池、派對天地、逾1,000平方呎的燒烤樂園、約900平方呎的健身花園。另一方面,THE HENLEY I樓盤著重綠化發展,設有逾3萬平方呎綠化園林,更引入由Farmacy水耕細作所研發的「全環控智能水耕種植操作系統」及城市農莊HENLEY FARM,住客能體驗智能耕種的樂趣。

交通方面,THE HENLEY I毗鄰港鐵啟德站,盡享沙中綫鐵路優勢,前往港島會展站及金鐘站只需十多分鐘。

生活配套方面,THE HENLEY I鄰近啟晴邨的晴朗商場,該處設有街市、食肆、便利店等,住客亦可前往區內或鄰區大型商場Mikiki及MegaBox。校網方面,THE HENLEY I屬34小學校網;中學為九龍城區。

Great Location, Convenient Transportation
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~331sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $20000

Useful Partition
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~379.15sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $20000

Quiet Environment
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~308.93sq.ft.


Open Style | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $25000

THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~216sq.ft.


Residential  Estate


Rent $16000

High Usable Area
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~379.97sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $21000

THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium B
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~301sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate


Rent $19000

Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~207.66sq.ft.


Open Style | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $15000

Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 208sq.ft.


Open Style | Middle Floor

Residential  Estate

With Lease Agreement

Rent $16000

The Henley one bedroom 379” $19500
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 379sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Estate

Rent $19500

THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium C
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~331sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $20000

The Henley one bedroom $18000 welcome expats
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 320sq.ft.


1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $18000

<The Henley >至荀一房
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 302sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $17000

Useful Partition,Near MTR Station
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~695.35sq.ft.


3 Room(s) 

Residential  Estate

Open Kitchen

With Storeroom

Rent $36000

THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~216sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 

Residential  Estate


Rent $16000

Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 216sq.ft.


Open Style | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate


Rent $16000

THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~296sq.ft.


1 Room(s) 

Residential  Estate


Rent $18900

Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~216sq.ft.


Open Style | Lower Floor

Residential  Estate

Rent $14500

13 Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8006226]
Floor Plan
The Henley Kai Tak
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA 505sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  

Residential  Estate


Open Kitchen

City View

Luxury Decoration

Club Facilities

Rent $27500

Large Estate,Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~302.47sq.ft.


1 Room(s) | Upper Floor

Residential  Estate

With Lease Agreement

Rent $19000

Near MTR Station,Negotiable,New Property with Club
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1

SA ~504.83sq.ft.


2 Room(s) 

Residential  Estate

With Lease Agreement

Rent $25000

Estate-The Henley

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Kai Tak New Area The Henley Upper Floor House730-[8046786] 10
Great Location, Convenient Transportation
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
SA ~331sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Middle Floor House730-[8065661] 2
Useful Partition
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Middle Floor
SA ~379.15sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Lower Floor House730-[8050862] 1
Quiet Environment
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
Open Style | Lower Floor
SA ~308.93sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8073824] 5
THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
SA ~216sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Middle Floor House730-[8049930] 8
High Usable Area
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Middle Floor
SA ~379.97sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Upper Floor House730-[8040835] 5
THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium B
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
SA ~301sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Middle Floor House730-[8006018] 3
Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
Open Style | Middle Floor
SA ~207.66sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Middle Floor House730-[8001014] 1
Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
Open Style | Middle Floor
SA 208sq.ft.
Residential Estate
With Lease Agreement
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8030981] 7
The Henley one bedroom 379” $19500
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  
SA 379sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Upper Floor House730-[8046510] 19
THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium C
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
SA ~331sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Upper Floor House730-[8030972] 2
The Henley one bedroom $18000 welcome expats
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Bathroom(s)  | Upper Floor
SA 320sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Lower Floor House730-[7758018] 4
<The Henley >至荀一房
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  | Lower Floor
SA 302sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8068847] 1
Useful Partition,Near MTR Station
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
3 Room(s) 
SA ~695.35sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Open Kitchen
With Storeroom
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8033890] 5
THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) 
SA ~216sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Lower Floor House730-[8068906] 1
Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
Open Style | Lower Floor
SA 216sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8054153]
THE HENLEY Phase 1 - Condominium A
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) 
SA ~296sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Lower Floor House730-[8042493] 3
Great Location
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
Open Style | Lower Floor
SA ~216sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8006226] 13
Floor Plan
The Henley Kai Tak
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
2 Room(s) 1 Bathroom(s)  
SA 505sq.ft.
Residential Estate
Open Kitchen
City View
Luxury Decoration
Club Facilities
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Upper Floor House730-[8039933] 3
Large Estate,Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
1 Room(s) | Upper Floor
SA ~302.47sq.ft.
Residential Estate
With Lease Agreement
Kai Tak New Area The Henley House730-[8035763] 9
Near MTR Station,Negotiable,New Property with Club
Kai Tak New Area The Henley Phase 1
2 Room(s) 
SA ~504.83sq.ft.
Residential Estate
With Lease Agreement