Island Harbourview Tower 6 Upper Floor FLAT D

Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$15214

Gross: 929(sq. ft) @$11464

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Island Harbourview Tower 8 Middle Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 700(sq. ft) @$18971

Gross: 928(sq. ft) @$14310

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Island Harbourview Tower 10 2/F FLAT C
$13.28M +279%

Saleable: 786(sq. ft) @$16896

Gross: 1052(sq. ft) @$12624

  • Land Registry


The Hermitage Tower 3 59/F FLAT B
$26.82M +45%

Saleable: 1118(sq. ft) @$23989

Gross: 1477(sq. ft) @$18158

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Phase 1 Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 848(sq. ft) @$18986

Gross: 1127(sq. ft) @$14286

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 3 Lower Floor FLAT A

Saleable: 673(sq. ft) @$17608

Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$13065

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Island Harbourview Tower 2 23/F FLAT A
$9.61M +40%

Saleable: 651(sq. ft) @$14759

Gross: 866(sq. ft) @$11095

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Phase 1 Tower 9 18/F FLAT G

Saleable: 466(sq. ft) @$17167

Gross: 645(sq. ft) @$12403

  • Land Registry


The Long Beach Tower 7 36/F FLAT A
$16.00M -7%

Saleable: 842(sq. ft) @$19002

Gross: 1120(sq. ft) @$14286

  • Land Registry


Imperial Cullinan Tower 6B Lower Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 1164(sq. ft) @$21649

Gross: 1481(sq. ft) @$17016

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 1 19/F FLAT D
$20.50M +254%

Saleable: 1013(sq. ft) @$20237

Gross: 1345(sq. ft) @$15242

  • Land Registry


Park Avenue Central Park Tower 5 11/F FLAT A
$11.68M -3%

Saleable: 673(sq. ft) @$17355

Gross: 907(sq. ft) @$12878

  • Land Registry


Island Harbourview Tower 9 36/F FLAT H
$7.53M +12%

Saleable: 464(sq. ft) @$16228

Gross: 641(sq. ft) @$11747

  • Land Registry


Harbour Green Tower 3 Middle Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$16784

Gross: 702(sq. ft) @$12934

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Island Harbourview Tower 5 15/F FLAT E
$9.80M +178%

Saleable: 595(sq. ft) @$16471

Gross: 815(sq. ft) @$12025

  • Land Registry


Island Harbourview Tower 2 3/F FLAT D
$9.18M +151%

Saleable: 647(sq. ft) @$14189

Gross: 866(sq. ft) @$10600

  • Land Registry


Hampton Place Tower 2 Upper Floor FLAT C

Saleable: 429(sq. ft) @$15851

Gross: 608(sq. ft) @$11184

  • Ricacorp Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


Harbour Green Tower 5 26/F FLAT F
$9.25M +73%

Saleable: 541(sq. ft) @$17098

Gross: 702(sq. ft) @$13177

  • Land Registry


The Long Beach Tower 6 36/F FLAT F
$8.80M +56%

Saleable: 550(sq. ft) @$16000

Gross: 744(sq. ft) @$11828

  • Land Registry


Island Harbourview Tower 10 Lower Floor FLAT B

Saleable: 786(sq. ft) @$17786

Gross: 1052(sq. ft) @$13289

  • Centaline Website
  • Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered


The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.

Olympic Station Transaction Records

Olympic Station 991 transactions found

* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered

Contract / Reg. Date Area Address Trans. Price (HKD) Area (Saleable/Gross) Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) Last Trans. Date Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) Source
10/10/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 6 Upper Floor FLAT D
10.65M 700sq. ft. / 929sq. ft. $15214 / $11464 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
10/10/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 8 Middle Floor FLAT A
13.28M 700sq. ft. / 928sq. ft. $18971 / $14310 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
09/10/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 10 2/F FLAT C
13.28M 786sq. ft. / 1052sq. ft. $16896 / $12624 23/08/2003 3.5M / +279%
Land Registry
08/10/2024 Olympic Station
The Hermitage
Tower 3 59/F FLAT B
26.82M 1118sq. ft. / 1477sq. ft. $23989 / $18158 29/06/2010 18.44M / +45%
Land Registry
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Phase 1
Tower 10 Middle Floor FLAT C
16.1M 848sq. ft. / 1127sq. ft. $18986 / $14286 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 3 Lower Floor FLAT A
11.85M 673sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. $17608 / $13065 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 2 23/F FLAT A
9.61M 651sq. ft. / 866sq. ft. $14759 / $11095 05/11/2010 6.88M / +40%
Land Registry
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Phase 1
Tower 9 18/F FLAT G
8M 466sq. ft. / 645sq. ft. $17167 / $12403 08/02/2017 8M / +0%
Land Registry
07/10/2024 Olympic Station
The Long Beach
Tower 7 36/F FLAT A
16M 842sq. ft. / 1120sq. ft. $19002 / $14286 22/07/2015 17.29M / -7%
Land Registry
04/10/2024 Olympic Station
Imperial Cullinan
Tower 6B Lower Floor FLAT C
25.2M 1164sq. ft. / 1481sq. ft. $21649 / $17016 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
04/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 1 19/F FLAT D
20.5M 1013sq. ft. / 1345sq. ft. $20237 / $15242 03/11/2003 5.79M / +254%
Land Registry
02/10/2024 Olympic Station
Park Avenue Central Park
Tower 5 11/F FLAT A
11.68M 673sq. ft. / 907sq. ft. $17355 / $12878 09/03/2018 12M / -3%
Land Registry
30/09/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 9 36/F FLAT H
7.53M 464sq. ft. / 641sq. ft. $16228 / $11747 30/01/2013 6.7M / +12%
Land Registry
28/09/2024 Olympic Station
Harbour Green
Tower 3 Middle Floor FLAT C
9.08M 541sq. ft. / 702sq. ft. $16784 / $12934 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
27/09/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 5 15/F FLAT E
9.8M 595sq. ft. / 815sq. ft. $16471 / $12025 01/12/1998 3.53M / +178%
Land Registry
27/09/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 2 3/F FLAT D
9.18M 647sq. ft. / 866sq. ft. $14189 / $10600 22/12/1999 3.65M / +151%
Land Registry
26/09/2024 Olympic Station
Hampton Place
Tower 2 Upper Floor FLAT C
6.8M 429sq. ft. / 608sq. ft. $15851 / $11184 -- -- / --
Ricacorp Website*
26/09/2024 Olympic Station
Harbour Green
Tower 5 26/F FLAT F
9.25M 541sq. ft. / 702sq. ft. $17098 / $13177 22/01/2010 5.35M / +73%
Land Registry
26/09/2024 Olympic Station
The Long Beach
Tower 6 36/F FLAT F
8.8M 550sq. ft. / 744sq. ft. $16000 / $11828 26/10/2007 5.63M / +56%
Land Registry
25/09/2024 Olympic Station
Island Harbourview
Tower 10 Lower Floor FLAT B
13.98M 786sq. ft. / 1052sq. ft. $17786 / $13289 -- -- / --
Centaline Website*
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.