Saleable: 739(sq. ft) @$17321
Gross: 927(sq. ft) @$13808
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 501(sq. ft) @$15130
Gross: 656(sq. ft) @$11555
Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Saleable: 509(sq. ft) @$11552
Gross: 749(sq. ft) @$7850
Saleable: 319(sq. ft) @$8777
Saleable: 268(sq. ft) @$17164
Saleable: 360(sq. ft) @$11889
Gross: 484(sq. ft) @$8843
Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$15686
Gross: 645(sq. ft) @$12403
Saleable: 478(sq. ft) @$15063
Gross: 646(sq. ft) @$11146
Saleable: 264(sq. ft) @$10038
Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$19720
Saleable: 264(sq. ft) @$11364
Saleable: 719(sq. ft) @$7928
Saleable: 562(sq. ft) @$14947
Gross: 758(sq. ft) @$11082
Saleable: 503(sq. ft) @$6958
Saleable: 699(sq. ft) @$8298
Saleable: 397(sq. ft) @$10076
Gross: 550(sq. ft) @$7273
Saleable: 570(sq. ft) @$8088
Gross: 610(sq. ft) @$7557
Saleable: 510(sq. ft) @$19978
Saleable: 523(sq. ft) @$7266
Saleable: 469(sq. ft) @$16375
Gross: 590(sq. ft) @$13017
The information above comes from the Land Registry and online market transactions, it is for reference only. House730 does not warrant or guarantee the accuracy, correctness and completeness of the above information, and does not assume any relevant responsibilities.
* Latest Transaction, Not Yet Registered
Contract / Reg. Date | Area | Address | Trans. Price (HKD) | Area (Saleable/Gross) | Unit Price (Saleable/Gross) | Last Trans. Date | Last Trans. Price (HKD)/Change(%) | Source |
02/10/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | No. 18 Farm Road No. 18 Farm Road Upper Floor FLAT C | 12.8M | 739sq. ft. / 927sq. ft. | $17321 / $13808 | -- | -- / -- | Centaline Website* |
30/09/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | No. 18 Farm Road No. 18 Farm Road Middle Floor FLAT A | 7.58M | 501sq. ft. / 656sq. ft. | $15130 / $11555 | -- | -- / -- | Ricacorp Website* |
27/09/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Delight Court Delight Court 11/F FLAT B | 5.88M | 509sq. ft. / 749sq. ft. | $11552 / $7850 | 21/06/2003 | 1.48M / +298% | Land Registry |
26/09/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Fok On Building Block A 4/F FLAT A4 | 2.8M | 319sq. ft. / -- | $8777 / -- | 05/03/2008 | 950K / +195% | Land Registry |
19/09/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | No. 80 Maidstone Road No. 80 Maidstone Road 19/F FLAT B | 4.6M | 268sq. ft. / -- | $17164 / -- | 04/12/2017 | 5.6M / -18% | Land Registry |
09/09/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Mega Building Mega Building 7/F FLAT B | 4.28M | 360sq. ft. / 484sq. ft. | $11889 / $8843 | 04/01/2001 | 1.48M / +190% | Land Registry |
30/08/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Majestic Park Block 5 22/F FLAT E | 8M | 510sq. ft. / 645sq. ft. | $15686 / $12403 | 03/03/1998 | 4.7M / +70% | Land Registry |
13/08/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | No. 18 Farm Road No. 18 Farm Road 18/F FLAT A | 7.2M | 478sq. ft. / 646sq. ft. | $15063 / $11146 | 06/02/2010 | 4.05M / +78% | Land Registry |
13/08/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Wai Tak House Wai Tak House 4/F FLAT A | 2.65M | 264sq. ft. / -- | $10038 / -- | 01/05/1997 | 1.12M / +137% | Land Registry |
07/08/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | The Uptown The Uptown 31/F FLAT A | 10.06M | 510sq. ft. / -- | $19720 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
31/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Wai Tak House Wai Tak House 1/F FLAT A | 3M | 264sq. ft. / -- | $11364 / -- | 02/11/1996 | 1.2M / +150% | Land Registry |
25/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Yuet Fai House Yuet Fai House 9/F FLAT A (NO. 450) | 5.7M | 719sq. ft. / -- | $7928 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry |
15/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | No. 18 Farm Road No. 18 Farm Road 15/F FLAT D | 8.4M | 562sq. ft. / 758sq. ft. | $14947 / $11082 | 18/02/2011 | 5.88M / +43% | Land Registry |
11/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Chung Nam Mansion CHUNG NAM MANSION 8/F FLAT J (NO.76) | 3.5M | 503sq. ft. / -- | $6958 / -- | 28/03/2013 | 3.14M / +12% | Land Registry |
10/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Bee Sing Mansion BEE SING MANSION 9/F NO. 93 (FLAT A1) | 5.8M | 699sq. ft. / -- | $8298 / -- | 19/01/2001 | 1.19M / +388% | Land Registry |
02/07/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Bee Sing Mansion BEE SING MANSION 11/F NO. 97A (FLAT B3) | 4M | 397sq. ft. / 550sq. ft. | $10076 / $7273 | 29/03/2006 | 1.03M / +288% | Land Registry |
26/06/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Lucky Building LUCKY BUILDING 8/F FLAT 3 | 4.61M | 570sq. ft. / 610sq. ft. | $8088 / $7557 | 26/06/2012 | 3.38M / +36% | Land Registry |
18/06/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | The Uptown THE UPTOWN 32/F FLAT A | 10.19M | 510sq. ft. / -- | $19978 / -- | -- | -- / -- | Land Registry Firsthand Deal |
11/06/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Chung Nam Mansion CHUNG NAM MANSION 9/F FLAT A (NO.4) | 3.8M | 523sq. ft. / -- | $7266 / -- | 08/06/2011 | 2.85M / +33% | Land Registry |
30/05/2024 | Ma Tau Wai | Majestic Park BLOCK 1 17/F FLAT F | 7.68M | 469sq. ft. / 590sq. ft. | $16375 / $13017 | 04/07/2016 | 6.28M / +22% | Land Registry |