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Fanling Commune Modern Tower 1 FLAT E
1 Room(s)
Years Built
6 years
Nearby shopping centre , government market building , bus stop and minibus stop go to MTR Station & Kowloon & Hong Kong Island
Property ID
EUK700(Provided by Property Agent)
House730 ID
Listing/Renew Date
Record Update
24 days ago
Expiry Date
This Property Listing is not effective yet, contact information has been hidden
Nice Decoration,Convenient Transportation
1 Room(s)
Years Built
6 years
Property ID(Provided by Agent):EUK700
House730 ID:8224736
Nearby shopping centre , government market building , bus stop and minibus stop go to MTR Station & Kowloon & Hong Kong Island
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There is no relevant transaction data for this housing estate, so the transaction of nearby housing estates is provided for reference